Anything But Ethernet
The fine folks from NOTACON are bringing "Anything But Ethernet" to Penguicon!
The goal of this contest is to build something that moves data as ridiculously as possible. In the past, we've seen "IP over voice", ham radio TNCs, servo-driven semaphores, laser modems, RFID tags as datagram bearers, and a T1 circuit running on barbed wire. The more hops an entry has, the more points it scores. Go to the wiki page for more detailed info.
Because this is a new event, and space is at a premium, we are capping the entry limit this year to six. Get those submissions in to:
Room Party Contest
Throw the best party in a hotel room in the Crowne Plaza, and receive a public prize of a free pass to Penguicon 2010. To get your room party listed on our website and get in the party room block, email our room party coordinator.
Volunteering Contest
Penguicon has a volunteering program, described on our How To Attend page. In addition to the sleeping space, meal, and registration reimbursement you can earn by volunteering, we are adding a contest this year! Those who put in the most hours will be rewarded at Closing Cermonies at 3 PM Sunday, with t-shirts, registrations for next year, tickets to the Star Trek exhibit at the Detroit Science Center, and bronze medals!
To be eligible for rewards and the contest, you must record your work through the system of our volunteering team, using their forms at the convention.
Junkpile Wars
Each team grabs components from a long heap of random systems and parts. Then they attempt to build a networked computer with it. The winner is chosen based on how many challenges they have functioning at the end of three hours-- challenges which are revealed as a surprise! A lean, organized team familiar with old hardware, lean distros, and configuration of basic network services is the key to victory here.
Tom and Dan Skelton will head up this event again, and are torturing each other's crafty little minds to see what devious tasks they can set the contestants. If you have any particularly nasty suggestions, by all means email them.
The Junk Pile is a bit thin this year, as corporate America hasn't been replacing computers as quickly lately. So we're looking for donations. We're fat on CRTs, hard drives and CD-ROM drives, but could probably use a few more cases, plus we're definitely short of memory, keyboards and mice. Tom can make arrangements for pick-up in mid-Michigan, or you can bring it to the con and heave it into their hotel room.
Please contact Dan or Tom at to let them know what you can donate.
Show off your costume at this event! See the Masquerade page for contest details!